Promotion Workshops

Fall 2023 Promotion Workshops

Benchmarks and Goals: Understanding the Criteria for Promotion to Full Professor

Monday, September 11, 2023

This workshop will address the various campus and unit-level criteria for promotion. We will explore the options for promotion based on excellence in research, teaching, or service, as well as the balanced case.


Mentors and Feedback: Finding Guidance Along the Associate Professor Career Trajectory

Thursday, October 5, 2023

This workshop will address mentoring along the career path of associate professors with the goal of establishing a plan for seeking advice at crucial times from the right sources. We will explore types and access to feedback in the context of campus policy and discuss the checkpoints along the path toward promotion to full professor. Topics covered include campus resources, as well as the formal and informal opportunities that exist for feedback and guidance.


Planning and Resources: Finding the Resources to Support Your Plan to Promotion

Monday, November 13, 2023

This discussion will cover the broad range of support and resources available for the diverse types of research and creative activity that associate professors produce on the path to promotion. The workshop is timed to allow faculty to identify resources and plan proposals prior to upcoming spring deadlines.


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