Yes, you may apply for an award for a new project or for a new phase of a current project (if the previously supported project phase is complete). We do, however, consider the amount of previous support received by applicants in our deliberation.
Applications for residential fellowships and for research awards are evaluated on the clarity and compelling nature of the research project, its capacity to further research and creative activity, and its importance to the field/s to which it contributes. Applications for research awards are also judged on the reasonable nature of the budgeted items and research timeline.
Yes, we hope that our awardees will receive additional funding. As long as the expenses for which you requested IAS monies are not being paid with some other funds, you will still be eligible to receive IAS funds. (In other words, no “double dipping,” but piecing together funding from multiple sources is all right.) We do ask that you notify us if additional funds become available to you.
IAS funds may be used in a variety of ways to support faculty research. This includes travel*, purchase of books, research materials or tools, research assistance, or contributions for publications, to hire an editor, bibliographer, transcriber, data analyst, Graduate Research Assistant, or consultant; for permissions or special production costs; in support of the acquisitions of materials, software, or data sets, to name a few. Unfortunately, these monies cannot be used as summer stipends; to purchase computer equipment; or for professional memberships or as compensation to IUB faculty for writing, composing, editing, copyediting, or course release. If you have a specific question about a potential use of funds, please contact us at
*Award monies must be used in compliance with University policies regarding travel and all other matters.
If your project will still be completed within the original 2-year window, report the shift in your annual report and proceed. If your project will take longer than the original 2 years allotted, you must fill out an Extension Request Form.
Collaborators may be from any institution. Please make sure to fully explain the role of these collaborators in your project.
You may include travel costs, fees for copyrights, funds for graduate assistants, and other related project costs in your budget. Be clear about the each budget line item and be certain that it clearly relates to the project you have proposed.
Award monies must be used in compliance with University policies regarding travel and all other matters.
You are strongly encouraged to identify explicit categories for each budget item.
It is helpful to have someone completely unfamiliar with your project – ideally someone who is not in your department or discipline – read your application and give you questions and comments. This simulates the review process and can flush out jargon or incomplete explanations.
No, postdocs are not eligible for IAS awards at this time.